This is our cat Gus, he's the REAL boss!
Jasper at around 10wks old, so cute!
We wanted a 'proper' dog this time and soon decided on getting a Beagle.......a few short weeks
(it felt like months!) after answering an ad for Beagle puppies we made the journey to Carmarthenshire to collect Snoop, it was Fathers' Day 2004..........maybe that was an omen........Snoop is such a man's dog and a proper Daddy's boy! There our love affair with this adorable breed began............

Snoop at around 7wks
When Snoop was about a year old we thought he might like a companion, after all, two dogs is no more work than one, right? We hadn't banked on Alfie though- Snoop had been a breeze! After looking back into Snoop's pedigree we decided to go to the Dialynne kennel this time........we had to wait a while for a puppy, which we didn't mind and on April 1st 2006 we went to Birmingham to pick up Alfie, this date too could have been an omen.........Alfie IS such a fool, but a very lovable one and he's definitely Mummy's boy (though he does adore his Dad too)!

Alfie comes home, 9wks old
Rosie, 9wks
We feel honoured to share our home and lives with our Beagles, they are an endless source of entertainment and companionship.........they make us laugh......and cry and we can't imagine being without them! We hope you like them too, feel free to leave comments!
5 sniffy tailwags:
So glad you've got this blog off the ground! Great start, I'll be back to check on you!
Cracking blog!! Great piccies too. Snoop looks soooo cute as a pup!! What about a baby pic of Alfie?
See you soon.
They were sooooooo cute when they were puppies! Great presentation, I realy enjoyed reading it.
Lovely words, lovely pictures and lovely Pups!
I have a friend who is owned by Molly The Beagle, she howls on her walk all the time, we always know where Molly is, her howl precedes her!
Jeannie :0))))))))
Hello! Scott's mum here! What a lovely introduction! You have obviously found "your breed" as I have with my Pointers! They seem quite similar in a few aspects but not size! lol xx
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