Leave your pawprints!

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Dogs on Thursday...and lots more!

Today's post for Dogs on Thursday is a collage extravaganza!

Firstly, this morning saw an extended episode on the grooming table as Mum tried out her latest instrument of torture....*sigh*....and worse, took pictures to humiliate us....*big sigh*

And after all that stress we had to perform surgery on Mr Fish who had opted for two procedures this time, fin removal and a nailbiting brain surgery, we did a grand job on him and hope he returns from the bin soon!

Next we went for a walk in Roseisle....

....and this afternoon we went to Burghead, the tide was way out but there were nice tidal pools to paddle in....

....we saw a big gross jellyfish, yuks!

The next are from the last few days....Forres....


....and Findhorn....

....Holy Oswald, look at all the bunnies!

A Rosie collage for YSweetie Petey Y

And a Gabbi one for Y Jakey baby Y

Welcome home Boyz....hope you had fun at camp!


We are also being featured on Dogs on Thursday this week. A few weeks ago Sue asked us to write a post introducing ourselves and showcasing our blog and it appears on DOT today, make sure you go over and check it out!

As well as contributing to Dogs on Thursday Sue has a lovely blog all about her wonderful pack of Portuguese Water Dogs, she has TEN of them!
She has recently tagged us with the International Bloggers Community, thanks Sue!

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. Copy the image, rules and questionnaire.

3. Post in your blog.

4. Answer the four questions.

5. Pick 7 friends to share with.

6. Come back to BLoGGiSTaiNFoCoRNeR and leave the URL of your post in order for your blog to be added to the master list.

7. Have fun.

Questions and answers:

1 The person who tagged you? Sue and her wonderful pack!

2. His or her site title and URL? The Portuguese Water Blog

3. Date you were tagged? May 14, 2009

4. Persons you tagged? Well, we thought we'd pick a blog friend from each continent but got a bit carried away....hey, what can we say, we're Beagles and must bend the rules at all times! So here goes:

Lorenza from Mexico

Suzuki from Australia

Carolina from Netherlands

Africa from....guess where!

Jewels from Canada

Jazz & Dixie from Japan

Lacie from USA

Hero who lives right in the middle of the Big Pee, in the beautiful Azores

Clive who lives across the Little Pee, still over the pee from us though ;D

No pressure....just play if you want to!


We haven't played True Colours for a couple of weeks, if you want to join in, visit our hostess Blue.

This week's colour is GREY....you may remember we mentioned these in a post the other day as our daft Mum had forgotten to put cards in them before sealing the packages. Well, it seems they're creating quite a stir in blogland this week. Some of them have been causing puzzlement when they reach their destinations.

They were small tokens of our appreciation to those who took part in our Red Snooters contest and our Easter Bunny Hunt. So if you've received a mysterious GREY package from Royal Mail and you didn't know who sent it, you know now!

For the last few days we've been having typical "four seasons in a day" Scottish weather, which among other things produces some impressively sullen GREY skies....but lots of pretty rainbows too!

Next week's colour is COBALT....bright blue!

36 sniffy tailwags:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Beagle and Bunny ovFURload!

Tank woo fur the grrrrreat pikhs!

Khongrats on your pawesome award!


Checkers & Chess said...

absolutely stunning photos - congrats on the award

Mason Dixie said...

That was quite a post today. congrats on being posted on Dogs on Thursdays, very cool. Love all the pictures especially of my Alfie. =) Thanks for the mystery package love it to pieces (not literally b/c I would never destroy a stuffie)

Amber and Nala said...

Wow...bunnies galore and what a neat jellyfish. Hope you beagles didn't get too close though. :)


The Oceanside Animals said...

That jellyfish is one of the weirdest goopiest things I've ever seen on a beach -- and I've seen sea cucumbers!

Diego Dog said...

That was a yucky jellyfish!!

Diego Dog

Stella said...

Who wants my jellyfish?
I'm not sellyfish!
Ogden Nash

I feel exactly the same way!


Cinnamon and Mint said...

Wow, now you've got a FURminator too. Grooming with a FURminator isn't that bad, is it? Cookie and Cinnamon love it, and their mum loves to see a big pile of fur afterward!

Lorenza said...

Jellyfish! Scary!
Looks like the furminator does a good job!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures!
Congratulations on your award and thanks a lot for giving it to me!
Kisses and hugs

bagel said...

Lovely pics! N wow, looks like the furminator really works! Was contemplating getting 1 but think I'll def get it now. All the other combs don't seem to be getting out much fur and Bagel still sheds ALOT around the house.

Hamish Westie said...

Hey Beagles, don't be all 'big girl's blouse' about grooming. With lovely sleek short hair like you have, surely it can't hurt??
Nice operation on Mr Fish I must say - but I note you didn't fancy doing the same to the real (jelly)fish!
Cheers, H.
PS If you want grey, come to Aberdeen..

i said...

Great pictures, as always! Congrats on your award!

Martha said...

Great pictures - the clarity is so much better although we always enjoyed your pics.
Congrats on the Award - we will read your Dogs on Thursday post.
Have a nice day.
Martha & Bailey xx

Clive said...

We really enjoyed all your collage photos - the little man insisted on printing them out to laminate - his current obession - it started with Petey's dolphin photo last week and then Tommy's card got the lamination treatment. Anyway, you all look great laminated and Clive and himself are enjoying your photos together on the couch at the minute!

Congrats on the award and much thanks for passing it on to us - we'll get to it very soon. We must learn how to do those collages as well! You've been much luckier with the weather in Scotland this week - the rain clouds have only gone here this morning!!

- the little man's mum

Unknown said...

Hi Beagles - haven't seen you in ages!! I've just come to tell you that I got your parcel - thank you so much! Actually, I didn't realise it was from you as for some reason, there was no note inside...there wasn't even the dog treats inside because someone took them! I've just blogged about it so come over and see pictures of me playing with my great new toys (thank you!) and find out who took my dog treats! By the way, Khyra kindly told me that it was you guys who sent the parcel...coz I was really wondering!

Hey - did you see my post about my boyfriend, Ombre, leaving forever? My human made a beautiful video of us and all the happy times we had together.

Come visit me soon!
Honey the Great Dane

GSD Adventures said...

That jellyfish is CRAZY!!!!

Pruetta and Daphne

Rosie said...

Super packed post. That must be the biggest jelly fish I have ever seen. I hope you stayed far away from that monster! We get little ones near us usually around July - August.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie

Thoughts said...

Hi guys!

Mom and we just LOVE your collages! Sounds like you had a very busy day to us. We just got Furminated recently too!

Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson

Sue said...

Jam-packed post! Your DOT turned out great. Thanks for doing it. It's pretty grey here today.

StellaStar said...

Congrats on the features and awards! Definitely deserved!

soulbrush said...

i know i don't get to visit often, but when i do, your blog is a treat. happy Doggie thursday.

Miss Lizzy said...

Your blog is just like a mini vacation! The instrument of torture looks like a furminator -- we have one and Alice hates it, but it does a good job of pulling out the undercoat. Laughed about the surgery and the accompanying pics -- glad it was a success!

Nibbles Treats said...

Can we go on walking adventures with you guys? You go to the nicest places!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

The Army of Four said...

Look at all those OSWALDS!!!! Yowzers!!!
We LOVED your photo collages. Well... not really the one featuring the evil FURminator... but we're sure you all weren't really thrilled with that, either! (Yes. we have one of those torturous devices, too. Fortunately, Mom discovered they aren't really good for the kind of coat we have. Whew!)
We've been having fun with the toys you sent us! Ammy will post pix soon!
Play bows,

Eric said...

D'B's. Hmm why are your skies so different over the wall? And your fish stuffies much bigger? And ewww that HUGELY ginormous jelly so fishy? Don't want him in my jelly thanks Alf.Now tapole jelly... ummmmmm yummmmm. With a splodge of whipped cream would go down nicely.

Wiry wags n kissies Eric xxxxx

AW collages for Petey and Jakey were CUTE girlies.

Hero said...

Sorry to hear that you all were tortured with that terrible grooming tool. My mom is always at me with her stupid Coat King. I'm still playing nonstop with the toys you sent me. The noisy chick is my absolute favorite and I carry it around all over the house. Thanks for the award!

Diego Dog said...

Nice post on Dogs on Thursday. It was fun getting to know more about you!

Diego Dog

the magic sleigh said...

Wooo! my poor little Snoop, got tortured with the little comb today. Mom did the same to me, she said something about loads of fur on a little boat. Hah! that is what fur is for.
I liked the little bunny pictures, we used to have one that lived in the house and I did not even eat it! Mom was proud of me for that.
I hope you have sunny skies this weekend-
love and puppy kisses-
yours -Kira The BeaWootiful

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the photos, they are wonderful! The picture of all the little grey packages gave us a start, lol, considering that you are BEAGLES and well-known for your DEA dog possibilities and being that we do live in South Florida, where this stuff is on the news all the time. But, then, of course, reason took over ...

TwoSpecialWires said...

We need to plan on reading your blog last thing at night so we can go to sleep dreaming about your beautiful land. Your mum must be enjoying her new camera. The photos just keep getting better and better.

We're headed over to check you out on DOT. Congratulations.

When can we come visit?

Wishfully thinking,
Jake and Fergi

Joe Stains said...

That grooming tool is terrifying, I am so glad we don't have to get groomed! Thanks again for all the great beach photos, we just love them.

Duke said...

We're seeing lots of bunnies on our morning walkie! Mean mom and dad won't let us chase them!
We love your grey sky!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dianne said...

Love your Dogs on Thursday spotlight! The pictures here of Mr. Fish's surgery had me laughing out loud.

Suzuki said...

Thanks fur tagging me. I will try and get Mummy to let me play :)
Big licks to you

Unknown said...

Bunnies, beagles and jellyfish in the same post. Now *that's* variety. :)

Carolina said...

Hey cool! I'll play ;-) This weekend I'll probably have time to. Great posts again, wonderful photos. The grooming one made me LOL! You can knit another beagle from the hair.
Thanks and good luck with the website building exercise.
Big virtual hug ;-)