Leave your pawprints!

Friday, 15 May 2009

SkyWatch Friday, New Toy and Rosie's Return

So far on this blog almost all of the photos have been taken using my little phone camera, some with Liam's phone which has a slightly better zoom and the odd few have either been taken with a loaned camera or by someone else. But today something fantastic happened....a very special and VERY generous friend sent me a brand new digital camera, it's a little Fujifilm Finepix and I absolutely love it! Tonight's peaches and cream sky promised another gorgeous sunset, so Alfie and I headed down to Findhorn to catch it.

Seals! You can biggify all the pics here, including the collage.

For more skies from around the world visit SkyWatch Friday!


Hey friends! It's Rosie here :o) Since i've been cooped up for three whole weeks i've decided to hijack this post! I was so excited to get to the beach today....and just look what we found when we got there....my sweetie Petey had written a love note in the sand on his beach in South Carolina and the wind blew it all the way over to Findhorn....just for me! We got there just in time to see it before the incoming tide swallowed it up, phew....and Rosie Y Petey too!

Snoop and Gabbi came to the beach too (even though my season has finished Alfie the doofus still won't leave me alone so he had to stay home *snigger*). This was our starting point, look how blue the sky is!

It was pretty noisy as there were lots of jets flying over today.

It was windy too, look how big the waves are!

It was warm and sunny though and we did a lovely loop along the beach and back through Rabbit City. My snooter was even more sensitive to all the delicious smells than usual and Mum says it's a good job us girls were on our leads!

Snoop is more playful than usual when Alfie is not around. He got a bad case of the zoomies and taunted us to play with him...grrr...Mum, please can we get off our leads? We'll be good, we promise....look how much fun he's having....NOT FAIR!

We have an award to post and we still need to play Clive's tag....hopefully we'll manage to do those and catch up with you all over the weekend :o)

43 sniffy tailwags:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



It took my woo away!

Tank woo fur sharing!

Happy Friday!


Guy D said...

Excellent collection of photos, all are fantastic.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures

The Army of Four said...

Your mom has been taking those gorgeous pix with a PHONE!?!? Amazing! Hey! Our mom uses a FujiFilm FinePix! How cool is that?!? It's a couple years old, but she loves it!
Great photos - and we're soooo glad you get to go on the adventures now, Rosie!!!
Play bows,

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful skies and dogs.

StellaStar said...

Love those Zoomies! That was a sweet "note" Rosie got on the beach.

I'm loving your sky pictures :)

the magic sleigh said...

Woooo! I know why Snoop is feeling so good, but I am not telling.....

Lovely photos,gorgeous sunset, but I could not see the seals. I want to see seals, what do the doggies do when they see one, or do they stay far away?
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Diego Dog said...

Great photos!

Diego Dog

Rich, Jane, Boomer, and Daisy said...

We really like your photos but eh ones with the doggies are the best.

Four woofs!

R, J B and D

Lorenza said...

OMD! those pictures are pawesome!
your sky is gorgeous!
Kisses and hugs

Stella said...

I like the ones with the doggies in them best, too!

My Mom got a Fuji Finepix for her birthday last year and she likes it and would like it better if I would stand still while she snaps!

I loved the pics of Snoop cutting up!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We are amazed that all those lovely photo you took before were done on a cell phone!! You must have the touch. Your new pics are excellent...such a nice friend. And that note from Petey---blowing all the way from N.Carolina---how romantic. We'll check back in with you after we get home to our cabin up north. Have a great weekend!
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie

The Oceanside Animals said...

All those pictures have been with a cell phone camera? I'm very impressed -- you are a terrific photographer!

Hamish Westie said...

Welcome back Rosie. We in this household are intrigued by the geological process by which a message in the sand can be transmitted across the ocean. Perhaps email has had its day!
Cheers H.
PS You have beautiful sunsets over the sea - we don't get them in Aberdeen as the sun faces the wrong way.

Gennasus said...

A new camera, how exciting! Looks like it takes great photos too.

Love the sunsets. We've certainly had some beautiful ones this week.

Unknown said...

Oh...that 3rd picture where the sky looks almost purple is just beautiful!!

Congratulations on your new camera!

And just LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of Snoop with his ear up like crazy - ha! ha! ha!

Honey the Great Dane

Martha said...

Great sky shots! We are so pleased that Rosie got Petey's message - so romantic.
Well done with the new camera.
Martha & Bailey xx

Niamh said...

Glad to see that you are back in the action Rosie. Being in season is so boring because you miss out on fun trips. Your mum is a terrific photographer even with a phone! Love the sunset pictures.

Your friend,

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Hi Rosie, so good to see you out and about again. How cool that Petey's message blew all the way over the ocean!
Not fair of Snoop to taunt you like that. Though I do it to Auntie Penny lots so I casnot really complain.
Tell your mum she had beautiful sky pics. My Mum used to have that same kind of camera!
~lickies, Ludo

Sue said...

Wonderful pictures. What fun to have a new camera to play with.

I love those flapping ears.

Alexander said...

Spectacular photos! I like everyone of them. Really nice shots!

Have a lovely weekend.

Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

Nibbles Treats said...

Check out your crazy ears Snoop! Too funny!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Duke said...

Your sky shots are the absolute BEST! Each one is more fabulous than the last one!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mason Dixie said...

I can not believe all these photos are from a phone, just crazy!! Love the pics of snoop. hehe

Joe Stains said...

How exciting and wonderful that someone sent you a camera! Mom doesn't know how she would live without hers. We loved the photos and look forward to many more.

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetpea!

I'm mad at Mommy because she didn't take me to the beach today. It's been raining off and on all day. She did take me to a very nice shop called Tailwaggers though and guess what? We'll soon have matching alligator collars!

So happy my message made it all the way across the big pee!


Your Petey

Eric said...

Hi Rosie. Loved the pics that match your name!! How pawfect of someone to give your Mom the camera.

Happy weekend! Wiry love and kissies Eric xx

Carolina said...

How lovely is that? To get a new camera! If someone deserves that, it's you and the very photogenic beaglebunch.

Hugs xx

Sally said...

Coole pictures, seems to make fun

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Good heavens, you take fabbers pix!!! And to see Petey's love message blow all the way over from S. Carolina...that was a modern marvel....love is the strongest force huh???!!!

You surely live in the most bootiful part of the world!!

Love you all buckets...

And we put "BEAGLE WITH THE FLYIN' EARS" as our background on our desktop!!!!



Scruffy...it was an accident...ouch!!! Now ur in for it...

Two little terriers take off with Lacie in the rear, toofers snappin'!!!!!

Thor and Jack said...

Pawtastic! Your pictures are wonderful!
Have a great weekend!


Miss Lizzy said...

SPECTACULAR pictures -- the color is exquisite! Snoop is just adorable & BB and I loved the video. Great sunset video too! Glad to hear Rosie is getting out and about and even got a special message from her sweetie Petey! We lost internet for 2 whole days which was wretched, but we are back and have our high-speed running properly; makes SUCH a difference! I'm sure you are pleased to have such a great camera; what a wonderful friend!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Looks like with a brand new camera, we can look forward to even more spectacular shots. What a great friend you have. Rosie must be so happy to be let loose. The zoomie shots really show how happy the beagles are at play!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've told so many dogs and their people about your beautiful photographs and your incredible blog! What a very nice surprise for you to receive: a new camera, a gift. YOU are a gift, our friends. And we look forward to many more awesome photos and blog posts!

Yippee for us! We reap the benefits!
And you deserve the gift!

Your budding photographers, Jake and Fergi

Asta said...

All of us awe supew happy the mowe photos you take, cause they delight us wif theiw booty!
I feel like I can taste the watew, and have the wind in my haiw and see youw pawfect sky.
Rosie..welcome back!!!!
I know youw Petey missed you lots. I'm so glad you got his message.
Snoops happiness is infectious..I want to come play wif all of you!

only fouw mowe sneeps till stanny Love is hewe..I'm so newvous, I think I'm going to be sick
smoochie kisses

Amber and Nala said...

Beautiful skies and fun playful beagle pics. :)


Wow a new camera! All your previous phone pics have been great and now you can go even further with the new camera. We always love coming over to your blog because we can be guarenteed of seeing some wonderful pics of the beagles or the surrounds. We saw over at our friends, Cinnamon and Cookie's blog that you showed them how to do the collages. Can you tell us too?

River said...

We love the BIG sky shots! I bet it was fun roaching in the sand, too.

love & wags,

Life With Dogs said...

Your posts will only be that much better for the new camera. You have such majestic scenery to take in. Glad to see Rosie has a chance to enjoy it again!

Agatha and Archie said...

Sigh,now that it is past May 1rst we are not allowed on the beach anymore......so we will have to live through you guys.........Love and kisses A+A PS PL2 says obviously she has the wrong cell phone....

GSD Adventures said...

The new camera is SOOOO exciting! Can't wait for all the new pics!

Pruett and Daphne

Kimberly said...

wow - the last 2 pictures of your dog running - wish I knew their names sorry LOL... anyway - love those shots.... the sand flying up by the feet is too cool!!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

yay! My J's pics are a mixture of mobile phone pix (sony ericson) and a digicam, just a Canon 101, but the difference is always quite marked, (she says!)

the quality is so much better.

My J has found if she is using her Sony Ericson mob phone camera, the pics are better if she reduces the pixels down from 3 to 1 mega pixel for blog use. Do you find this?

I have no barking idea in my Marvin head what she is talking about........

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxx

Team 4 Dawg Flite said...

You Beagles have THE best outdoor adventures. What cool places you visit. I'm definitely jealous. Love, Sally