Leave your pawprints!

Saturday, 30 May 2009


Yes, it's the moment we've all been waiting for....
on Thursday we went down south to visit....
The Marvellous....
The Wonderful....
The Super-cool....
The Hollow Hound....
It's the one and only....


As we pulled up we were greeted to a lovely sight....Marvin was waiting outside his house to welcome us, wearing his Aussie bandana....how cool is this dog? Well, actually, VERY cool! He's our new hero and our Mum and Liam loved him and wanted to take him home but he wouldn't get in our car (see photo on his blog) he told us he loves his J too much.....or maybe he heard about our Mum's driving!

Jeannie is a lovely person too, she and our Mum got on so well we couldn't get a woof in edgeways! We all went for a lovely walk around Marvin's fields and woods....our only regret was that we couldn't be off lead, we saw at least a dogzillion rabbits in those woods....and oh, to feel the warmth of a sun-ripened cowpat beneath our collars again, oh well, we can dream! (we are too naughty off lead, especially in strange places....well, a Hound's gotta explore!)

Before & after!

While Jeannie and Mum had a cuppa, Marvin shredded the green ball we brought him....before moving onto bigger and better things!

This was very funny and kept us all amused while the ladies drank more coffee....as soon as Mum tried to film Marvin jumping, he stopped!

We had such a lovely time with Marvin and Jeannie, it was really lovely to meet them and we would like to thank them again for welcoming us and being so much fun!


When we left Marvin's we decided to swing round by the Wallace Monument for some photos....the humans hadn't planned on doing the tour as we still had a long drive ahead of us but before we knew it they were right at the top!

We saw them looking down at the car, they looked like ants way up there....wonder if they heard us howling....come down Mum! (We didn't hear them, it was very windy at the top and the views were stunning....and slightly vomit-inducing! You can enlarge all the pics for more detail, we took so many we had to collage some!)

Stirling Castle, taken from outside the main entrance (pictured above). Both the monument and the Castle are impressively lit up at night but when we passed them on the way home at around 10pm, one photographer was driving and the other two were asleep!

The start of the tour....the creepy looking stairs.

Not a great photo but it's THE sword!

Biggify....it's one of four maps of a view from the top.

We even got a certificate (which Mum then ruined by putting the wrong date on!) Actually, the steps weren't too bad....but the steep zig-zaggy path up to the monument....wow!

At the top....take a pew before you collapse....and take in these views, just don't look down!

Thanks for the tour Willie!


Back on the road again, we had to go and pick up our eldest human sis from RAF Leeming where she had been visiting her BF's family. Liam always goes on about the "Welcome to England" sign....he's usually asleep by the time we pass it, this time he was awake but not camera-ready and the shot was a blur!

Only a couple of photos from this visit, the above is the aircraft situated just inside the gates, not sure but think it's a Gloster Javelin. The second is quite horrible. Our Mum had to get a pass to get inside the base to pick sis up, she had to stand on a cross and look at the camera....but Liam was making her laugh and this is the result....anyone seen The Shining?

Mum would like us to point out that that is the boy's grubby thumb, not hers!


Some shots from the way down the road....

The first snowgates

A cairn on the Dava moor

Ruthven Barracks near Kingussie

It started raining after this and continued almost until we got to Marvin's when the sun came out again!


The road home....we were keen to get home and moving at speed so the photos aren't great.

That cow's got the hump! We should have stopped here but were running so late....in this field among the cows there are emus, llamas and camels!

In your dreams Liam (and Mum who prefers the 4x4 towing!)

Leaving North Yorkshire and entering Cumbria....otherwise known as Ludoland!

Hame....well, still about 4hrs to go! ('scuse the bug-adorned windscreen!)

Two shots of Carrbridge, the first at around 7.30am and again on the way home at around 12.30am....we got in just before 2am!

What a long day, we had a blast but the highlight was definitely meeting this guy!

Thanks for all the biscuits Marvin and Jeannie, Rosie especially loves the milky bones :D
We're off to our club's show tomorrow so we'll try and visit when we get home....what a busy few days!

42 sniffy tailwags:

Sue said...

Wow, what wonderful scenery. You are lucky dogs to live in so beautiful a place.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All those wonderful places
And all that scenery


I'm so furry jealous!

Tank woo fur sharing!

PeeEssWoo: REDRUM!

Persephone and Buster said...

welllll. the green ball...i mean green confetti was interesting. ;o/ very beautiful landscape, especially love the bridge, neat old structure.
looks like you had lots of fun.
theBUSTER, Ms.Blue, &Ms.Persephone

the magic sleigh said...

Wow, Mom spent like an hour looking at all of the photos,
I am jealous that my Snoop went off visiting another pup that was not me!I hope you had fun visiting.
So Snoop, do you get seasick? I hope not.
And Yes, I would love to got to the wedding with you my darling, just don't get any ideas about puppies since you sister is having them....I am too old for puppies, I growled at one the other day, it was kind of like an annoying little bug that kept yapping at me. I guess I won't make a very good Auntie quite yet, I will have to work on that one.
-Kira The BeaWootifuk

Thor and Jack said...

Glad you had a pawsome time with Marvin and Jeannie. Those places are wonderful. Gorgeous scenery.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend!


Noah the Airedale said...

Thanks Beags for posting all those fantastic photos. We love seeing different parts of the UK. D really loved her trip there a couple of years ago.
Isn't Jeannie the coolest. We loved meeting her when she came to Australia in April. Lucy gave her lots of licks so she'll never forget us lol.
Marvin is a cool dude too but we haven't had the pleasure of meeting him.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Stella said...

Here's what you ought to do . . create an Antiquities Blog, and go into GREAT detail over the buildings of yore. You are so lucky in your travels to see these wonderful places and you SHOULD feel a responsibility to educate your American pals who like this stuff. Like in what year was the collage building (first one) built?

Stella and Mom

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooooooooooooooh what a wonderful post!

Thank you so much for sharing all the pics and the video!

If we had known you were going to visit the Wally Monument, we would have come with you!! My J says it is 25 years since she climbed it! And its only 5 mins down the road from us.

We had a total "ball" with you, it was fandabidozi! Thank you for visiting us, thank you for my pressies, and thank you from Jeannie for the lovely house plant. Which is still surviving ;0D

It was grrrreat to meet Liam, and he was a wonderful playmate for me, as I miss my human bruvs now they have left home.

Thank you again, for posting all about your visit on here.

It was a total Beagle Blast! (this phrase coined by the Army of Four's Mum!)

I hope we meet up again!

lots and lots of love from Marvin xxxxxxx

oh and Jeannie xxxxxxxx

ps from Jeannie "Wow, you had a really long day, but so glad you enjoyed it all, we loved seeing you all too!"

Sally said...

Hello - we have just been on Marvin's blog - and came over to say Hello! Looks like you had a fabulous trip - lots of wonderful photos - thank you for sharing.

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Suzuki said...

Thank you fur sharing.
I hope you have a pawsome weekend :)
Big licks to you

Duke said...

What a day you've had! You're so lucky that you got to meet Marvin and Jeannie in person! We sure wish we could!
Your pictures are just outstanding!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Niamh said...

That was a terrific day. Wonderful scenery, castles and of course Marvin! Looks like you all had a great time. Thanks for the gorgeous photos! Good luck at the show.

Your friend,

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are so behind in visiting. What breathtaking views...I love the Monuments and the castle and MARVIN too! What a wonderful, fun day.

The Army of Four said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! This is just so cool! We are so happy you guys got to meet Marvin! And that he got to meet you! The views were magnificent, the castle incredible, THE sword most memorable... but really - the pix of you all together are the BEST!
Play bows,

Mason Dixie said...

Wow what a great trip to see Marvin and J, how lucky to get to meet your online friends. =) I too hope to get to meet some of the pups I have met on here. One day. =) can not wait to see my Alfie at the wedding!

HawaiianDane said...

Marvin looks like a cool dude! He sure can shred up toys!! Beautiful scenery!!

aninhas said...

What a cool pics!!!

Sorry we dont have been visiting a lot :(
Aninhas is studing for her exams, so all the time she can spare is all for me and my plays with the ball :)
Wish you are ok and happy :)
I hope that in the end of the week aninhas have time for update my new adventures ;)
And trust that all buddies will burst into laughter a lot ;)

Give a big lick to your mum from me and aninhas ;)

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello beagles its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yoo git to go to all the coolest rooins and stuf!!! and is that the saym mr wallace wot inspired all my minimacgyvers to paynt there fayses and rebel aginst me??? becuz if so i wood like to hav a wurd with him!!! ok bye

An English Shepherd said...

Great post, I think Marvin is cool as well ;-)

Wizz :-)

Carolina said...

Gorgeous scenery, Marvin looks like a funloving dog, don't give him a ball though ;-)
But...the most interesting picture for me, it says a lot about me, was the one where we can ALMOST see if Scottish men 'go commando'.

Great shots and well done for climbing all the way to the top.

Clive said...

Brillant photos! The photos from the top of that tower were simply amazing. We really enjoyed them.

Take care
Clive and gang

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How lucky you all were to get to visit Marvin - bet that was lots and lots of fun. And then all those lovely photos, you always have such interesting places to visit - we need to move across the big pond.

Woos, the OP Pack

Cinnamon and Mint said...

It was surely a long day ... you and your humans all must've been exhausted when you arrived home. But, visiting friends and beautiful places sounds exciting! We would love to have a day trip like that sometime :-)

The Devil Dog said...

Mom is oohhing and aaahhing over the architecture and the stone spiral staircase (yes, she's weird) but thanks for showing us the Wallace tour. That was really cool! And such fabulous photos. Sounds like a long drive, but glad you had fun with Jeannie & Martin.


Team 4 Dawg Flite said...

Now, that Marvin looks like a fun guy!! And how in the world do you guys get all those cool adventures. It's like you live in a fairy land. How nice of your humans to give you such wonderful, fun times out on adventures. Love, Sally

Eric said...

Wow! What a fun filled and packed day. Loved the photo's of your visit with Marvin and hahahaha- the ball!!! And then the scenery and places of interest all looked pawfect for sniffing out and I spied plenty of excellent pee stops too.Now not too sure that i would have liked to come down those hundreds of steps face first...scarey....

Tel Rosie I can make her a mean Tadpole Jelly in my old Rabbit Jelly Mould. Just howl for me.

Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xxxxx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Wow! So much to see in this post! What a totally pawsome adventure. *sigh* Everypup be getting to meet their buddies at the moment, you all so lucky.

Thanks to your peoples for sharing the piccures of all the places they visited. Very interesting, for my Mum anyway. Hey, you came to Ludo land, I thought I heard some beagley noises, did you shout to me?
~lickies, Ludo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Um...ok...we're confused...

You showed a pic of a "carin" on the moor...but we didn't see Petey...it looked like a pile of rocks...

I think we might need to google carin...there seems to be some confoosion bout this subject.

The views were totally amazing...in terms of places we'd most like to visit...YOU GUYS WIN HANDS DOWN!!

How're ya feelin' Rosie??? Any mornin' sickieness??????

Let me know if ya need a nurse!!!

Love and kisses...Laciegirlie

Asta said...

Oh What a pawfect twip! evewything is so intewesting and bootiful, and to top it off you got to meet MAWVIN!!! WOW I love Mawvin and his JEannie. You awe so lucky!

Now don't get all excitewed..Stanny and I awe NOT getting mawwied, just a pledge of love that's all.
Mommi had quite enuff wif Mywna, thank you , she says, hehehehe
I hope you'we enjoying those milky bones and getting enuff fow all those puppews in youw tummie
smoochie kisses

Martha said...

We have tried leaving a comment on this post but for some reason blogger didnt let us! We then left a comment on Marvin's and that post has disappeared!
Something going on! We loved reading about your trip although confess we would have hated being in the car for so long even with breaks - Skye was bad enough!
Our humans hope we will both get better with car travel. Our mum was well impressed you went up the monument - she hates the way it gets narrower and narrower on the way up - perhaps she has that clautraphobia!!!!
Martha was lost at the weekend - first time ever she has gone and not come back. She was gone for 5 hours - even reported to the police - this has never happened to us before! Although we have been lost we have always turned up in an hour so!
Our mum and dad's feet, legs and body are aching - they think they are too old for this carry on and Martha will need to wear her harness as she slips the collar off in a jiffy when it suits. Amyway we returned home and then returned to Mugdock - well mum did leaveing me and Dad to get our dinner - I was starving! AT 9pm there was Martha hiding behind the trees in the car park we had originally parked at!!!
Alfie and Martha are clearly well suited!!!
We can empathise with the worry.....
Bailey xxx (martha sitting out in the garden!)

Huskee and Hershey said...

We have known all along that Marvin is quite some pup... but wow.. I can't believe he shredded that green ball so quickly (and thoroughly too)!!
The places that you visited looks fun too... heehee.. what your mom did to the cert is something that our mom is so capable of doing too!!! LOL!!

Sally said...

Hi Marvin,
you've got a good job.

Nice wuuuuh

Riba said...

Hello, no need to hurry :o) We have some problems with reservations on the internet because our card numbers aren't so long as yours :o)

No, it's not neccessary to be in Wick/Thurso, but we wish to sleep somewhere on north or NE coast. We plan to be on north for two days - is it better to sleep two nights in Inverness and only one on the north coast? We won't go to any island, because we won't have enough time.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how cool to meet Marvin the Hollow Hound himself! He's a pretty speedy toy disassembler, isn't he? Thanks for sharing all the other things on your trip - wow! We really enjoyed seeing everything - and we think the photo on the pass is very pretty!

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You all certainly had a great time with Marvin and Jeannie. It is really nice to have friends come to visit...
What beautiful pictures.. We want to come...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

dreameyce said...

All these pics REALLY make me want to take a vacation! WOW! Stunning, and spectacular!

Unknown said...

Gosh, another jam-packed post as usual! My head is whirling trying to keep up with you Beagles!!! What a great trip you had - Marvin, the castel, views, cows, everything!! (By the way, sorry for a silly question by why is it "THE sword"??)

And what a loooooong trip!!! You were awfully good to stay that long in the car.

My human says she prefers teh 4x4 towing too!! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Amber and Nala said...

What a fun trip and so cool that you got to meet Marvin! That is great. :)


Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA you got to meet MARVIN!! How cool!!!!!! isn't it grand to meet fellow DWB'S??!!!!! We were laughing at the video of Marvin not chasing the ball...How lovely is that scenery...... we however might not have made it to the top of the castle... fear of heights ya know.. Love and kisses A+A

TwoSpecialWires said...

What an incredible road trip! You met Marvin AND visited and drove by so many other pawsome places. We get green with envy! But then we feel thankful that you are our friends, because it's almost as if WE get to visit all the amazing places WITH YOU! You are one special pack - about to grow in size! We're the lucky ones!

Jake and Fergi

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Mom said she visited the Wallace Monument back in college! She didn't climb all the steps tho! BOL

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

The computer is running out of juice! Want to say we LOVED all the photos. You are so lucky to get to meet Marvin & Jeannie. Wish we could have an All Blog get together!
XX-BRD & Hootie