So you know that I Y Petey and Petey Ys me and we are getting married, right? Wrong!! WE ARE MARRIED ALREADY....we eloped! As soon as I accepted Petey's proposal he sent AireRuby to whisk me off to Old London Town for a small private ceremony, it was so romantic *sigh* hehe....oh, we're so happy, no wonder i'm blushing! Photos to follow....
Well, eversince we met, Petey and I have talked about our plans for the know, pups etc....and before we go any further with this post, for those of you who are wondering....
...well it's Petey of course!
But my poor Petey is not quite the doggy for the job, if you know what I mean. Now, we know we're like the Brad and Ange of the canine world but we decided against adopting a Cambodian orphan....then we had a bright idea....a surrogate Dad....of course....a sperm donor! So a while ago we approached this handsome fella....(it's my flatmate Alfie)....purely in his capacity as a donor, you understand!
Now, it was a bit of a rush....all of a sudden I was in season and had to just get the job done....married or not.....(even Asta couldn't plan a wedding with that little notice!) and now....ta-daaa! I am going to have puppies!
"But how could you?" I hear you ask? "What about poor Petey's feelings? And Mason Dixie?"
Well, a lady never tells, but in the interests of sparing others' feelings....
We are over the moon! Me, Petey, Alfie, Mason Dixie....AND all our Mums! It's so exciting!
I just had to phone all my friends and tell them the news....of course my first call was to Amber-Mae who has just had seven gorgeous puppies.....then I phoned Asta to ask if it's appropriate for a lady in my condition to get married in a veil....Lorenza to see if she did a line in maternity wear....and all my other girlfriends....blimey, my phone bill will be bigger than me!
Maybe I should stick to text and email!
One thing's for sure.....there'll be none of these for me for the next few weeks....i'll have to switch to Sweetheart Stout (medicinal)
I've already got a bit of a waddle going on, don't know how many are in there...but we're hoping for more than one and less than a baker's dozen!
53 sniffy tailwags:
My furry head is spinning!
PeeEssWoo: The bread looks lovely - khan woo pass the butter please!
Ah my sweetest wee wifey, our secrets are all out! Hopefully, I'll have some photos up of our civil service this evening on the blog. Now, are you sure you want me to get you some pickles and ice cream and kibble?
Your loving husband,
WOW!!! This is the most exciting thing I've heard all day!! You all are so Modern, just like Brad and Angie!!
(this really is exciting news!! I can't wait to see the puppies! I'll bet you are very fired-up, as we say in TX!)
Dawling Rosie
I couldn't be happiew fow you and youw dawling Petey.
I'm all fow twoo love and expecting wee pups makes it even mowe special!
I just know they will be absolutely gowgeous !
Alfie is a weal sweetie fow helping out wif youw dweam of a a bootiful family.!
I think you can weaw anything you wat..youw heawt is poowe and pawfect
smoochie loving, delighted smoochie kisses
Hi Rosie!
This is wonderful news! A wedding and some pups on the way! WOW! You certainly have been busy! Congratulations on all the exciting news! I can't wait to meet the pups!
:) Tibby
hey congrats on the wedding!!! It was indeed truly a surprise and may I say, aw... how absolutely romantic! An elopement! Anyway, I'd love to meet up with you guys but I'll only be in Dumfries somewhere after June 6th. If you guys will still be visiting then, do post a comment or something in Bagel's blog and I'd be real glad to plan a meet up with you guys. Cheers. :D
Congratulations Rosie and Petey! That was the shortest engagement in history. But with puppies on the way I can see why you wanted to go ahead right away. I hope you are taking it easy and eating right. More beagles! Yay!
Your friend,
boy....things do move quickly on cyberspace...i think i just congratulated you two on being engaged...but NOW... CONGRATULATIONS on the wedding & CONGRATULATIONS on the upcoming little of little Beagles too!! WhOOOoooo0
from the kerrys,
theBUSTER, Ms. Persephone & Ms. Blue!
Yay...little exciting. :-))
We did chuckle at the phone collages..hehe
We hope your meet up goes well tomorrow. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Awesome news - buns in the oven or is that beaglettes??? BOL.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
hey I forgot to wish you guys congrats on the pups!!! Super excited for u guys and can't wait for the pups to come and oooh lovely beagle pup pics!! haha heart's totally melting at the prospect of beagle puppies!!! CAN'T WAIT!
Whoo Hoo! More puppies! Congrats! I will mark mom's calendar!
Luna and Sole'
Wow, great news!! It makes my day :-)
What an exciting news!
Congrats on wedding and congrats on the pups!!
Congratulations!! how exciting an elopement, that is the way to go for sure no fuss no muss. he he.
Congratulations! Such exciting news - wow! I wish you all the happiness in the world.
See ya!
Uncle Joey
Rosie...we came by this mornin' and didn't have time to type a congratulations on the we come back and you're married...we look again and you're preggers!!!
You work fast Girlie!!!!!!
Um...that um turkey baster...well we won't even go there......
We're thrilled for you both...
And we agree with you have a little butter to go with those buns in the oven?????????
& Mumsie....
Pee ess..
What's Auntie Bailey sayin' bout all this??????????????
OMD....Congrats Rosie!! That is SOOO exciting!! Beagle babies are the cutest and with you as their mother they are bound to be little darlings! :)
congratulations. can't wait to see those pups (:
Oh Rosie...congratulations!!! I'm so glad AireRuby was all fueled up to whisk you away for your special day!
And I can't wait to see all your puppers...I bet they will be the cuterest ever!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
omdog!! I kept thinking this was an April Fools joke then I remembered its May! OMDOG!!!
Wow, there's a lot going on! Congratulations! :)
Hi Rosie
More congratulations! We in the dog blogging world will be waiting with paws crossed and bated dogbreath for the next few weeks. Meanwhile take care.
Cheers! Hamish.
PS Can't wait to see the wedding pics. In LONDON, my my. Aren't you and Petey just the grandest couple. (Whenever Gail goes to London, I get left behind, so BORING!)
woooooo hoooooooooooooo!
I am so pleased, I am kinda beside my cork hat.....
lotsaluv to youse all, you are some pretty preggers gal!
Your friend, Marvin xxxxxxxx
OOOOOOH Puppies. How exciting, congratulations and Hugs
I KNEW IT! I knew you were glowing! And not like those glow in the dark beagles in asia either... Congratulations :)
Big licks to you
We had already started knitting - well you can never be sure how many pairs of bootees you will need!
This is what comes of all these blogland romances - we knew we should have put our foot down!!
Aunties Martha & Bailey xx
Congrats on the wedding and the pups
Woodrow Sweetie & MJ
Wooooo! I am so proud of you and Petey,I am sure you will make great parents. Maybe there will be a Ceaglairn Terragle in that bunch of beagle puppies....he, he, he,......
-~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I am speechless - it all seems so sudden! You must take it easy now that you are expecting and everything will have to wait until after those puppies are born. Rest up Rosie girl!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Crickey Rosie, I knew you shouldn't take your walkies behind the bike shed!!!
But oooohhhh little Petey Puppers??? I mean Alfie's the handsome dude, what a lovely litter that will be!!!
Wiry wags of happiness for the extended family!! Eric xxx
Rosie! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Your hubby is so steamy handsome. Oh, I'd lovvvvve to help you out if you need anything or any info. Yes, about the Whelping box we talking about on the phone, well it's mainly made out of PVC poles, lots of tape & i-don't-know-what-you-call-those cardboard-thingies. It's a plastic board. Don't know if they sell it in your country or not but they aren't very cheap. The process of making it is major hardwork! Mommy & Hooman M worked on it all day all night. And the problem with my Whelping box is, it is flimsy. The puppies have pushed down the sliding door & escaped many many many times till Mommy's head almost exploded! So I suggest, you don't make like ours. Some people will make it out of wooden boards. I think that's the best. There are many websites that show you how to make whelping box. You'll need a strong sturdy one because once the puppies are able to walk they will ram against the box.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
Wow Rosie! You and your Mum sure kept that quiet. Though Mum did have a sneaky feeling about it.
You and Petey (and Alfie) will make great parents!!
~lickies, Ludo
i was wondering how Petey felt about the babies :p
Well now, you are certainly a busy gal! I hear that pregger pups get to feast for 10... enjoy it!
A million congrats to you all!
So THIS is why our mom wants to move to Scotland?!!? Ha! You know she's crazy over Beagles!!!
We are SO happy for you - hope everything goes well for you and all. Having any weird cravings? Pickles and kibble?
Play bows,
PS: Tuesday, we finally posted about our package from you all!
Oh my! That is great news. Congrats! We look forward to the birth of your puppies!
Huge congrats Rosie!
We'd guessed as much!
lots of woofs
OH my congratulations! That was a hilarious post! I can't wait to see the little puppies! They will be adorable!
Kasha and Africa
Oh my goodness!! OH my GOODNESS!!! This is PAWTASTIC! Thank you for sharing the good news! We better get started knitting puppy booties! BOL
Rosie, Rosie...
I am a trained student nurse, my dear Girlie...I am pawfectly capable to look after the little for knitting woolie bloomers, I have no idea what you dogs are talkin' bout in ur chattie box....disposable diapers work, don't they???
As for me DATING THE BOY PUPS...well...
Not until they're at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned...
(what does that nursin' do to your figure???????)
Stan and Scruff have offered to help ya, but I think they're both completely incapable......
Barks, my sweet Rosie...
Do you need a smoothie mixed up for mornin' sickness or anything?????????
What...I'm away for 2 weeks and I've missed so much. Congrats Rosie! How exciting - pups and wedding.
Come by and collect your award dear Rosie and pals!
Oh WOW!!!!! That is so exciting. Oh, and you don't have to wait 11 months like I had to for our Evie. Oh gosh. Wonderful news. Petey is a very generous husband and he will be a very sweet father I think.
Personally I think Alfie is a hunk, so the pups will no doubt be gorgeous and irresistable.
Congratulations and a very big hug from all of us here ;-)
Congratulations, Rosie! We are thrilled for you and Petey!
We heard the news about you visiting Marvin and Jeannie and we can't wait to hear all about it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Beyond exciting, this is the best news I've heard today! More cast members for your photo shoots, you will be buried in collages!
Oh my dog!! Pupperoonies!! That be very exciting news!!
When does the puppers be due?
Rosie................This is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!
A wedding and some pups on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! You certainly have been busy!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on all the exciting news!!!!!!!!!!
We can't wait to meet the pups!!!!!
we love you a lot!!!!!!
if you need help we'll come to you immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please...take care of you ok!!!!!!!!
MUAHHHHHHHHHHHH and lots of belly sweet rub!!!!
Oh my goodness - is it really true?? Rosie, are you really having puppies or is it more like a "special fairy story" for us to enjoy just on our know like all the parties and stuff? Gosh - I'm so excited! So many puppies in Blogland suddenly!
Honey the Great Dane
ROSIE! WOW! CONGRATULATIONS! We're so happy that you're married now, and expecting babies! That's great!! -Hec and Lola
P.S.- Don't forget to update us on names you and Petey are considering for the pups! :)
WOW! too much for a little dog to comprehend
YEA!! I can't wait for the baby pics! Eeek! I have severe puppy fever, so have been living through puppy blogs lately *G*
Oh wow! Oh wow! OH WOW!
What a wonderful way to start off our day!!!!!!
We have clearly been way behind in reading our friends posts! We knew about the engagement, but we had NO IDEA about the other wonderful news! We are soooo very happy for you! Engagements! Marriages! Weddings! Pregnancies! Puppies! Oh my dog! Al the things that make a girl weep with happiness!
Rosie, we are sure you are going to be the most beautiful mommy, let alone the most beautiful bride! You wear whatever you want at your wedding! You are the picture of perfection and Petie deserves to see you at your finest!
We are sooooo happy for you all!
Fergi and Jake
we came by to catch up.. wow didn't expect all of this! congratulations!
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